I have been very busy this spring. I took the whole month of February to make new draperies for my den. This was a challenge because I have never made window dressings for anything this large. It is a 4 window group, altogether. I had purchased the material for both the drapes and the valance but, after I got them made, I was not pleased with the valance. New fabric and pattern had to be selected and now that project is complete and I am very satisfied.

The next two appliques were my own creations. Butterfly and Rooster. I created two other versions of butterfly and rooster but let them go out without getting pictures.

This following are simple sundresses. The black and yellow was my first attempt with a pillowcase dress. Very quick to make but looks excellent on.
I then began the spring sewing for the grandchildren. I am posting some of these and some got out the door with out pictures.
This set was for the twins, Lola and Julian. Lola's overalls are crop length with a Giraffe and Julian's are long overalls with a train that wraps around the leg. The applique patterns are from a Martha Pullen applique book. I used the same fabrics in both appliques and they were colorful allowing the almost any color T-shirt.
The tshirts below were purchased and I used a tropical set from Embroidery Library.com for the applique blocks.

The next two appliques were my own creations. Butterfly and Rooster. I created two other versions of butterfly and rooster but let them go out without getting pictures.

This following are simple sundresses. The black and yellow was my first attempt with a pillowcase dress. Very quick to make but looks excellent on.
The peach colored sundress is just a simple self-tied, very similar to the pillocase just a little more tailored. Each of these could be used with or without the ruffle and shortened to be a top with cute long bloomers or shorts.

I have not made many items for little boys. Julian has had quite a few items given to him so the girls are more in need. The set below is out of a soft green seersucker with just a simple turtle on the pocket. The shorts to the set has a working fly and elastic back. The blue shorts are a quick and easy elastic waist with patch pockets and false fly.

The turquoise swing dress is very full. It looks precious on.
I have made this bubble suit several times and it ranges in sizes 1-4. A very cool and comfortable sun suit for the summer.
This red does not show up very well in the picture but it is really a stand-out when on. It is a halter back capri length. I have used the same pattern to make a halter back top and shorts. Love the pattern, it is so easy to make and can be done in patterns, solids, or even with embroidery or applique.
The simple peasant top was made as a sizing sample but it is made with out the elastic in the sleeve to give just the ruffle sleeve. Also, would be a very cool top for the hot summer.