Saturday, May 9, 2015

Lost Spring......

Have not posted in soooo long.
I have been very busy, but not social.

Excuse me as I whine for just a moment and then I will move on to brighter things.

Feb 6. we had to make the choice to let our pal Belle breathe her last breadth.  14 years of her constant companionship and love has been very hard to deal with and move on.  I am more than the ordinary dog lover.  They become my children and she came into out lives just as out last child left home.  She had prevented for these 14 years the empty nest syndrome for both myself and my husband.

Hubby and I have both had several sicknesses....(him)upper respiratory infections,(me) strep throat, pneumonia.

Hopefully we are on the road to recovery of life in general.

As for Sewing....brighter things!!!

heavy in pictures
Spring sewing has been somewhat successful.

Early Spring outfits for Nora Ruth, Allie, and

The girls spring dresses are made by a pattern that I have posted earlier(here).  The pattern is easy to make and very cute on.  For Nora, the first was a Green/Orange print...with lime leggings.....cut/made size 10.  Tooo large.  Hung that in the closed and use the Lavender/Lime Chevron and the same leggings....cut/made size 7.  Great fit.

I cut the pattern down to size 5 for Alli's.  Very cute Grey/Pink Elephant print and Chevron leggings.  Perfect.

These would get the Florida girls ready for Spring.

Thomas is my Ninja Turtle Man.  Some happy clothes for him.

Lola for Easter. A cute Simplicity Pattern from the Madison Collection.

Lola is 9 but this was made by a size 6.  She is very tiny but a very girly girl....ruffles and lace.

added a few photos to show up the trim on top and ruffle.



One for Me!!

This is not a stashbuster.....all materials purchased last fall with these patterns intended.
I have used the blouse pattern last summer as a sleeveless, size 8, and loved the wear.  The sleeved is just as comfortable.  I love the tiny tucking details.
The Vogue pattern was a new try, size 10.  Love the pattern. long for short people.  I measured, shortened 3 inches before cutting, 6 inches after made.  This cut a lot of the fullness out of the bias pieces in the front. But, all in all.....I still like the fit and amount of design that shows.  I had read the PR's on the bias in the pattern....I followed the pattern instructions....but not sure that it was worth the recuts required.....simple time hanging would probably handle the same issues you face with bias. 


Stashbuster Project

I started this back in early January posted (here).  Color coordinated cloth baskets to help organize scraps.   Project has continued using only scraps on hand.


Quilt of Valor.

This is a project that has been on my project wish list for sometime.  The top is pieced and all the materials gathered for quilting.

There are more updates to come......
As I have said......very busy.....not social

I have buried myself at home....for several reasons....but have also felt very productive.

Gardening is going along....even though I have not been physically able to do a lot......
Great dinner yesterday with the first cuttings of fresh broccoli.
And, a wagon load of fresh mustard greens.
Glad to be back.



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